The FNAIHAB model was designed explicitly to identify areas important for species habitat based on both species rarity and species richness. Priority 1 Includes high suitability habitat for any G1S1 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 2 Includes high suitability habitat for any G2S1 or G3S1 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 3 Includes high suitability habitat for any G2S2, G3S2, G4S1, or G5S1 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 4 Includes high suitability habitat for any G3S3, G4S2, or G5S2 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 5 Includes high suitability habitat for any G4S3 or G5S3 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 6 Includes all remaining habitat for G4S4, G5S4, and G5S5 species.
This layer identifies habitat for rare plant and animal species with habitat ranked based on G and S ranks and overlap between species.
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1) These data were created using input data consistent with 24,000 to 1:100,000 map scale resolution. Such data are of sufficient resolution for state and regional scale conservation planning. They are not appropriate for use in high accuracy mapping applications such as property parcel boundaries, local government comprehensive plans, zoning, DRI, site plans, environmental resource or otheragency permitting, wetland delineations, or other uses requiring more specific and ground survey quality data. 2) The analysis, maps and data on this website were developed for state and regional conservation planning purposes and are not intended, nor sufficient, to be the basis for local government comprehensive plans, environmental resource or agency permitting decisions. 3) These data are likely to be regularly updated and it is the responsibility of the user to obtain the most recent available version of the database. 4) Data should not be transferred to a third party, in data or map form, without noting these disclaimers.
FNAI mapped occurrence-based potential habitat for 248 species of plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates, including aquatic species. For most species, suitable habitat was mapped only in the vicinity of known occurrences, so that if the state acquires lands based on these priorities they will be assured of protecting a known population of the species. The model is prioritized to reflect both species rarity and species richness. The model was re-prioritized for the CLIP process.
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Priority 1 = high suitability habitat for any G1S1 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 2 = high suitability habitat for any G2S1 or G3S1 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 3 = high suitability habitat for any G2S2, G3S2, G4S1, or G5S1 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 4 = high suitability habitat for any G3S3, G4S2, or G5S2 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 5 = high suitability habitat for any G4S3 or G5S3 species, plus areas of overlap of multiple less-rare species. Priority 6 = all remaining habitat for G4S4, G5S4, and G5S5 species.