Outstanding Florida Waters

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Originator: DEP
Publication_Date: 19960101
Title: Outstanding Florida Waters
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
Outstanding Florida Waters, (OFW), are waters designated worthy of special protection because of their natural attributes. This special designation is applied to certain waters, and is intended to protect and maintain existing acceptable quality standards. The OFW layer is a GIS spatial dataset that represents the OFW boundaries throughout the state of Florida. This project involves adding new data to and modifying existing data within the OFW data layer for better accuracy and representation. Boundaries for Outstanding Florida Waters (OFWs) as described in Section 62-302.700, F.A.C. This layer includes all three types of OFWs: OFW Aquatic Preserves, Special OFWs, and Other OFWs.
The legislature of the State of Florida established a category of surface water features called "Outstanding Florida Waters" that are to be protected from any degradation from their current water quality classification. A description of the water features eligible for inclusion as an OFW and a list of currently established OFWs is contained in Section 62-302.700, F.A.C., (Attachment 4). Additionally, "Waters" are defined in Section 403.031, F.S., as "... rivers, lakes, streams, springs, impoundments, and wetlands ... including fresh, brackish, saline, tidal, surface, and underground waters." Chapter 62-340, F.A.C., "Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters" details the plants and soil types that indicate the existence of wetland or surface water, under authority granted in Section 373.421, F.S. Most of the OFWs are contained within the boundaries of publicly-owned lands managed for conservation and/or recreation so that the extent of the water features that are protected can be defined by the legal boundary of the park, recreation area, preserve, or other publicly-owned property. Three categories of OFWs do not have boundaries so described: 1) the three river segments designated as wild and scenic under the Florida Scenic and Wild Rivers Program, federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and the Myakka River Wild and Scenic Designation and Preservation Act; 2) the 16 streams or lakes in the National Forests, and 3) the 56 streams and lakes defined as Special Waters. As a portion of an Environmental Protection Agency Wetland Protection grant, a separate project to reduce the boundaries of the OFWs to a digital format was undertaken by the FDEP. Some digital data existed and was compiled from many different source formats and scales. These data were incorporated into a statewide coverage but because of the lack of documentation and concerns about accuracy, other approaches were investigated to improve portions of the data. Other divisions within the FDEP have felt the need to develop digital coverages for the State-owned or managed properties they oversee and are in the process of reducing the legal descriptions on deeds into a digital form by interpreting and transferring the legal description to a quad sheet or using one or another of the COGO (COordinate GeOmetry) systems. These lands include the Aquatic Preserves and the State Park boundaries. Where possible, to minimize duplication of effort, the Division of Environmental Permitting either acquired the boundaries already created for the Aquatic Preserves, or entered into a joint venture to create boundaries for the 145 lands managed by the Division of Parks and Recreation.
Beginning_Date: 19790301
Ending_Date: 20060109
Currentness_Reference: publication date
Progress: In work
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: Quartely
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -82.968550
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -80.006219
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 27.669935
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 24.376324
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: Oceans and Estuaries
Theme_Keyword: Water Resources (Inland)
Theme_Keyword: Florida
Theme_Keyword: Waters
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Theme_Keyword: oceans
Theme_Keyword: inlandWaters
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: Florida
Access_Constraints: None
This dataset should not be considered a complete and comprehensive representation. The Special Waters boundaries are provisional. We have concluded that the Special Waters boundaries are provisional. Until we receive full funding to finalize this data, we will coordinate with our field staff to evaluate the boundaries, record needed changes, and make the appropriate adjustments to the boundaries as an on-going programmatic effort. These boundaries are stored in the OFWspec data layer. Aquatic Preserve information is available in two different versions. This version contains APs listed as OFWs. Aquatic Preserve information is also available in the Aquatic Preserves layers maintained by DEP/CAMA. Currently, all aquatic preserves are also Outstanding Florida Waters (OFWs). This was not the case in the past and may change again in the future, but an Aquatic Preserve was dropped. It's important to note that there are three aquatic preserves whose OFW boundaries differ from the aquatic preserve boundary. These are described more specifically in the OFW rule 62-302.700: Indian River Malabar to Vero expansion - does not include portions of Sebastian and Turkey Creeks; Wekiva River - does not include portions of the St. Johns River; and Big Bend - the OFW rule specifies certain "incorporated and unincorporated areas that are excluded."
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resource Management, Watershed Monitoring Section/Data Services Section
Contact_Person: Janet Klemm, Ron Hughes
Contact_Position: Environmental Specialist III
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3575
City: Tallahassee
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 32399-2400
Country: US
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 850-245-8541
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 850-245-8427
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: janet.klemm@dep.state.fl.us
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: ronald.hughes@dep.state.fl.us
Data_Set_Credit: DEP
Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

Source_Scale_Denominator: 24
Type_of_Source_Media: None
Librarian coverage transformed from NAD27 to HPGN using PROJECT command.
Shapefile of this dataset was inserted into Spatial Database Engine.
OFW Edits Added Bear Creek State Recreation Area (Other OFW). Rule_ID 9c5 Added Passage Key (Special OFW). Rule_ID 9b22 Edited Myakka River State Park (Other OFW). Rule_ID 9c57 Edited Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve (Aquatic Preserve) by removing the Keaton Beach exceptions. May need more editing. Made the following edits as well: 9)(h) Aquatic Preserves 18. Indian River Malabar to Vero Beach (additions) - except those portions of Sebastian Creek and Turkey Creek upstream of U.S. Highway 1. 42. Wekiva River Addition, except that portion of the St. Johns River between Interstate Highway 4 and the Wekiva River confluence. December 19, 2003 Rule ID 9i38 (GIS_ID 530): Weekiwachee Riverine System. Effective as of December 11, 2003. Added on 20031219 by RH for Janet Klemm. {Special OFW.} Rule ID 9i17 (GIS_ID 540): Lake Disston. Added on 20031219 by RH. {Special OFW.} Rule ID 9i14c (GIS_ID 500): Hillsborough River. Two wetland areas removed at request of Janet Klemm on 20031219. RH. Wetlands were removed from T26S, R19E, section 26 and 27 respectively. {Special OFW.} January 29, 2004 Rule ID 9b8 (GIS_ID 12): Egmont Key NWR. Changed "Name" field from Egmont Key (designation undetermined) to Egmont Key NWR for Janet Klemm. RH 20040129. {Other OFW} Rule ID 9b22 (GIS_ID 520): Passage Key. Changed "Type" from "Special" OFW to "Other" OFW for Janet. RH 20040129. {Other OFW}. April 8, 2004 Rule ID 9f43 (GIS_ID 550): Placid Lakes Highlands. Acquired boundary from FWCC Management Areas shapefile. Added 20040408. by RH for Janet Klemm. (Other OFW). April 28, 2004 Rule ID 9i40 (GIS_ID 560): Wiggins Pass Estuarine Area and the Cocohatchee River System. Added on 20040428 by RH as special request by Kim Jackson. She needed it for Janet Klemm's "OFW Economics" pilot project. Re-edited on April 29, 2004 using a map from Janet Klemm and 24K DRG's USGS Quad Maps. May 4, 2004 Rule ID 9f60 (GIS_ID 570): Three Lakes/Prairie Lakes. Added on 20040504 by RH. To create this shape, I used major river boundaries, state lands boundaries, PLS Boundaries, Cad Files from TLSDSL6 and hand digitizing. Rule ID 9f49 (GIS_ID 580): Saddle Blanket Lakes Scrub. Added on 20040504 by RH. Used State Lands and PLS Boundaries to make this. Only State Owned Property is included for the time being. March 30, 2005 Rule ID 9e58 (GIS_ID 590): Stoney-Lane (10-4-90). Added on 20050330 by RH. (Other OFW). April 19, 2005. Rule_ID 9e9 (GIS_ID 600): Nassau Valley State Reserve (12-1-82). Added on 20050419 by RH. Not all areas within boundary are OFW. Hand created by using ArcView 3.2 while using 1987 OFW Atlas page 182 and 24k DRG as guide. Confidence Level: Low. Strictly meant for representation. Not for legal purposes. (Other OFW). May 11, 2005. Rule_ID 9f31 (GIS_ID 610): Indian River North Beach (5-14-86). Added on 20050511 by RH. Indian River North Beach Complex and County Property in northern portion. Number 11 Corp and Sirk Tract in southern portion. Based on State Lands Records from DataMiner. Confidence level Medium. OFW Atlas 1987, page 214. (Other OFW). May 13, 2005. Rule_ID 9f41 (GIS_ID 620): North Beach (5-14-86). Also known as North Beach Additions. Added on 20050513 by RH. Edits based on State Lands Records from DataMiner, 24K DRG, 1999 DOQQ and OFW Atlas 1987, page 219. Confidence level Medium to Low. Boundaries directly on either side of Sheridan St. were hand created. (Other OFW). May 25, 2005. Rule_ID 9h19 (GIS_ID 231): Indian River - Vero Beach to Ft. Pierce Aquatic Preserve. Edited on 20050525 by RH at request of Janet Klemm. Added the portion of the Harbor Beach Channel waterward (eastward) of preconstruction mean high water line. Confidence Level Medium. Corresponded with Earl Pearson from the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas. He edits the Aquatic Preserves layer. We need to have both OFW and Aquatic Preserves boundaries coincide so I sent him a jpeg and the shapefile that I edited. He said that my edits look the same as he planned to do, but that it will take some time to get his edit approved. Janet already approved mine, so I went ahead and updated the boundary and asked Earl to let me know when he gets his edits approved. (Aquatic Preserve OFW). June 20, 2005. Rule_ID 9i13 (GIS_ID 630): Florida Keys. Added on 20050620 by RH. Hand digitized. Used 24k DRG for Dade-Monroe boundary reference. Used Everglades National Park Other OFW as boundary reference. Also used John Pennekamp Other OFW and State Land Records parcels to create boundary. Confidence Level: Low. Stock Island and artificial water bodies were not removed at this time. (Special OFW). June 21, 2005. Rule_ID 9i29 (GIS_ID 282): Sarasota Bay Estuarine System. Edited on 20050621 by RH at request of Janet Klemm. Used 24K DRG as guide to include Blind Pass and the water just below Blind Pass and above Midnight Pass. (Special OFW). June 21, 2005. OFW was submitted to BIS/GIS for SDE Layer update. Added to SDE Layer on 20050624. Inserted updated dataset acquired from Ron Hughes (WRM) and inserted in ArcSDE. This updated dataset has 3747 records.
Layer recreated as one OFW layer from three separate OFW designation layers.
March 6, 2012: Wekiva River AP updated by RH using boundary from updated Aquatic Preserves FDEP SDE layer obtained from Earl Pearson from CAMA. March 13, 2012: Rookery Bay AP updated by RH using the boundary from updated Aquatic Preserves FDEP SDE layer obtained from Earl Pearson from CAMA. May 19, 2012: Big Bend Seagrasses AP updated by RH using the boundary from updated Aquatic Preserves FDEP SDE layer from CAMA. OFW exceptions completed. The exemption in the SE corner of Levy County near mouth of Withlachoochee River that was added on 20060222 and revised on 20120321 using SDE 2011 aerials. June 13, 2012: Edits : Created North and South Additions boundary for Indian River Malabar to Vero Beach AP (and Additions). Updated by RH using boundary from updated Aquatic Preserves FDEP SDE layer obtained from Earl Pearson from CAMA. June 20, 2012: Removed Brushy Creek and the portion of Perdidio River OFW lying north of the 80 foot contour line (from DEP.LAND_SURFACE_ELEVATION_24 layer) which runs along the south border of South Pineville Road at request of Janet Klemm. June 21, 2012: Rotenberger parcel added by RH at request of Janet Klemm. State Lands parcel ADF77000482 (DMID 11670) was used as a spatial reference. July 30, 2012: Edited Sarasota Bay Estuarine System in T38S, R18E, Sec35 to better match shorline. Edits by RH at request of Janet Klemm. August 13, 2012: Clearwater Causeway Act removed from Pinellas County Aquatic Preserve by RH at Janet Klemm's request. RH georeferenced an image obtained from Rod Maddox at State Lands and used it as a reference for removal of the specified area. 457 more records deleted.
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM and inserted in ArcSDE. This updated dataset has 3763 records.
August 31, 2006. Rule_ID 9e6 (GIS_ID 128): Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve. Edited on 20063108 by RH. Edits based on 1987 OFW Atlas, existing OFWs and State Lands layer (like CUL040029390) from FDEP DataMiner library. Confidence level Medium. (Other OFW). October 3, 2006. Rule_ID 9f66 (GIS_ID 700): West Lake. Added on 20063108 by RH. Edits based on 1987 OFW Atlas and State Lands layer from FDEP DataMiner library. Confidence level Medium. (Other OFW).
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: Server=arcsde; Service=5151; User=sdeuser; Version=SDE.DEFAULT
December 4, 2006 Rule ID 9i8 (GIS_ID 263): Edited Clermont Chain of Lakes. (Special OFW). December 8, 2006 Rule ID 9i4 (GIS_ID 259): Edited Butler Chain of Lakes. (Special OFW). December 15, 2006 Rule ID 9c67 (GIS_ID 710): Created Rose Sink (addition to Ichetucknee Springs State Park) (1-9-06). (Other OFW). Five sliver parcels were removed which reduced the record count.
November 29, 2005. Rule_ID 9b7 (GIS_ID 640): Added Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. 17 individual records were dissolved into one thereby reducing record count. (Other OFW). November 29, 2005. Rule_ID 9b7 (GIS_ID 640): Created Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. Edits based on State Lands layer from FDEP DataMiner library. (Other OFW). November 29, 2005. Rule_ID 9b12 (GIS_ID 650): Created Island Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Edits based on Florida Managed Areas layer from FDEP DataMiner library. (Other OFW). November 30, 2005. Rule_ID 9b17 (GIS_ID 660): Created Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. (Other OFW). December 1, 2005. Rule_ID 9e11 (GIS_ID 670): Created Prairie Lakes State Preserve. (Other OFW). December 13, 2005. Rule_ID 9e19 (GIS_ID 680): Created Weedon Island State Preserve. Edits based on Florida Managed Areas and State Lands FDEP layer. (Other OFW). February 22, 2006. Rule_ID 9h4 (GIS_ID 216): Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve. Edited on 20060222 by RH. Corrected Southeast corner in Levy County near mouth of Withlachoochee River. Aquatic Preserve. March 24, 2006. Rule_ID 9f16 (GIS_ID 690): Created Deering Hammock/Estate. November 29, 2005. Rule_ID 9b12 (GIS_ID 650): Added Island Bay National Wildlife Refuge. (Other OFW). Inserted updated dataset acquired from Ron Hughes (WRM) and inserted in ArcSDE. This updated dataset has 3755 records.
July 10, 2006. Rule_ID 9h31 (GIS_ID 243): Data edited on Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve. Josslyn Island added on 20060710 at request of Janet Klemm. Submitted on July 10, 2006 for DataMiner update. Inserted updated dataset acquired from Ron Hughes (WRM) and inserted in ArcSDE. This updated dataset has 3756 records. Josslyn Island polygon was to the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve.
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM and inserted in ArcSDE. This updated dataset has 3754 records. Five sliver parcels were removed which reduced the record count.
February 28, 2007: Edited Myakka Florida Wild and Scenic River Segment (5-14-86). May 22, 2007: Multiple edits to Lower Econlockhatchee. June 11, 2007: Multiple edits to Savannas State Reserve. June 13, 2007: Multiple edits to Lake Woodruff NWR. June 15, 2007: Created Hillsborough River State Park. June 21, 2007: Created ITT Hammock Snapper Creek.
35 NULL and 305 'OUT PARCEL' records were removed at the request of Richard Butgereit and Kathleen Swanson of ERP.
OFW Aquatic Preserves Category: Aquatic Preserve boundaries were created by the Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI)/CAMRA. We are using these boundaries to represent the OFWs that are also designated Aquatic Preserves Special OFW Category : The streams and lakes that do not have defined legal boundaries were automated using methods other than transferring legal descriptions into a digital format. Because of the interpretive nature of the boundaries for the Special Waters Category, we have avoided making any implication that this line represents the ordinary high water line that separates the State-owned lands from privately-owned lands by referring to this line as a fuzzy boundary or trip wire. Final determinations of these boundaries will require on-site inspections or aerial photo-interpretations coupled with field verifications and will not be carried out for any of the streams and lakes designated as OFWs, in the short term. These interpretive boundaries were designed to alert persons making land use decisions that on-site inspections or further investigations by qualified soils scientists or botanists may be necessary. These interpretive boundaries are necessary because if a proposed activity falls within or near an OFW boundary, different, more stringent permitting review standards are imposed on the permittee's application. The OFW Special Water boundary is based on the contour lines from the U.S. Geological Survey 1:24000-scale quadrangle maps. This boundary is labeled with the elevation of those contours that are most likely to meet the criteria of supporting obligate and facultative plants and hydric soils. These elevations are 5 or 10 feet apart vertically, so that other information was used to modify the line. Currently, the best additional information is a set of EOSAT satellite images from 1992. The 1994 EOSAT imagery was also available, but because 1994 was an extremely wet year, the spectral reflectance values were judged less reliable. However, other indications that the area inside the Special Waters delineation line is likely to meet the rule's criteria are the swamp symbols on the quadrangle, the change in slope that is indicative of the seepage line, or springs that indicate that the groundwater is near the surface at that elevation. Cultural features can also be helpful. Roads often stop at wetted areas and buildings are usually (but not always) built above the elevation of the water feature's most frequent floods. Similarly, railroads are usually built up high enough to stay dry. This information is generally discernible on USGS 7.5 minute quadrangles. Other OFW Categories : All other categories are taken from the Lands managed for Conservation created and compiled by GEOPLAN or have been created by us using descriptions from the Outstanding Florida Waters documentation. Those boundaries created internally were scanned from published materials, registered and rectified with 1:24,000 USGS Public Land Survey section corners. Data was then extracted from USGS 1:24,000 hydrology layer and attributed. For boundaries not completely represented by USGS 1:24,000 hydrology layer, arcs were digitized directly from the scanned material to complete the boundary. State Parks and Recreational Areas Category The COGO method has several advantages and disadvantages for use in producing a database for the OFWs. It uses primary source material - the legal description on the deed. Data created using this method should have validity within the legal system because it is from a source familiar to the courts. Other agencies are using the COGO system so it is a familiar process and product. COGO methodology is appropriate in that it weds the new system for describing land ownership to the existing system. Additionally, each parcel boundary will be maintained in a digital form and can be extracted from the official boundary as a parcel's status changes. This data layer will also be maintained and updated by the stewards of all the state park boundaries data, so as the parcel boundaries change, the OFW boundaries will automatically be updated. The downside is that COGO (or the survey data it automates) is labor intensive and requires extensive training and expertise to use. Each legal description references source materials that may only be available locally or from the county appraiser's office, at a cost of travel and materials. Each park boundary may have numerous parcels transferred to the state at different times and some parcel boundaries overlap. Legal descriptions were transferred to digital form using the COGO modules in ESRI's ARC/INFO software on a UNIX platform DEC Alpha 3000 workstation and Softdesk's ADDCAD Civil/Survey software on 486/90 DELL personal computers configured with 1 gigabyte storage memory, 32 megabytes of RAM, 17" VGA monitors and running DOS. Both platforms are connected to HP-650C plotters. See Standard COGO Procedures developed by the Division of Parks and Recreation.
Process_Date: 19960101
Florida Department of Environmental Protection/Water Resource Management
Contact_Person: Janet Klemm; Ron Hughes
Contact_Position: Environmental Specialist III; Env. Specialist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 2600 Blair Stone Rd
City: Tallahassee
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 32399-2400
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 850/245-8427; 850/245-8541
September 7, 2007: Edited Gulf Islands National Seashore. Boundaries were completely redone. September 14, 2007: Created Carlton Half-Moon Ranch OFW. Submitted for SDE Update.
Process_Date: 20071024
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated
Process_Date: 20071029
December 14, 2007: Edits to Indian River - Malabar to Vero Beach Aquatic Preserve in the Mullet Creek and Sebastian River areas. December 19, 2007: Major edits to Mosquito Lagoon Aquatic Preserve were finally completed. Submitted for SDE update.
Process_Date: 20071221
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20080104
April 1, 2008: Created Bower Tract. June 25, 2008: Created Stark Tract OFW. June 25, 2008: Created Upper Black Creek OFW at Janet Klemm's request. June 27, 2008: Created a new boundary for Canaveral National Seashore OFW. July 1, 2008: Edited Spruce Creek Special OFW. Added tributary (see OFW Rule ID 9i33a). Submitted for SDE layer update.
Process_Date: 20080701
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated
Process_Date: 20080707
October 15, 2008: Edited Boca Ciega Bay (GIS_ID 219). November 19, 2008: Newly created Caravelle Ranch OFW boundary (GIS_ID 790) approved by Janet Klemm.
Process_Date: 20081119
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM and inserted in ArcSDE. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20090126
January 5, 2010: Created Escambia Bay Bluffs at Janet Klemm's request.
Process_Date: 20100105
December 16, 2010: Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Recreation Area boundary revised by RH at request of Janet Klemm. State Land Records parcels used as reference. December 29, 2010: Mashes Sands boundary added. Used georeferenced 1987 OFW Atlas (page 218) as guide.
Process_Date: 20101229
January 5, 2011: Updated Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve. January 7, 2011: Created Gateway OFW boundary. Created using scanned georeferenced image, existing OFW and 24K FL Counties FDEP SDE Layer.
Process_Date: 20110107
Process_Time: 121128
February 14, 2011: Edited by RH at request of Janet Klemm. Added a portion of Warm Spring Hammock within Sections 31 and 32 TS19SR32E using 55 foot contour line in 24K DRG from FDEP SDE layer. Removed portion east of I-75 within sections 2, 4 and 11 T19SR22E.
Process_Date: 20110214
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM in ArcSDE. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20110602
June 28, 2011: Removed three canal-type water bodies that were attached to the east of Indian River in Brevard County at Hog Point Creek and to the west of Seiler Road within TWN 29S RNG 38E SEC 3 at Janet Klemm's request.
Process_Date: 20110628
August 9, 2011: Spring Hammock created by RH for Janet Klemm. Approved by JK on 20110809. Created from State Land Records parcels from FDEP Data Library. There may be more areas that are OFW but these were the only areas that could be confirmed by querying for SPRING HAMMOCK DNR 238. October 13, 2011: Emerson Point created by RH at request of Janet Klemm. Approved by JK on 20111013. Created from State Land Records parcels from FDEP Data Library (used DMID 327020 as template after checking State Lands Acquisitions for verification). October 17, 2011: Econfina River State Park: This previously misplaced GIS boundary was placed in the correct position. Used spatial boundary from Florida State Park Boundaries SDE layer.
Process_Date: 20111017
January - February 2012: Updated OFW Aquatic Preserve boundaries using the recently updated Aquatic Preserves spatial data from CAMA with the exception of four boundaries that are still under review: Big Bend, Indian River - Vero Beach, Rookery Bay and Wekiva River. February 10, 2012: Pond Creek removed (T1N R28W Sec10) from Blackwater River (Special OFW) by RH at request of Janet Klemm. February 10, 2012: Removed a portion from Clermont Chain of Lakes (Special OFW) in T22S R25E Sec14 south of the north side of CR 564A at request of Janet Klemm.
Process_Date: 20120210
Inserted updated dataset acquired from WRM in ArcSDE. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20120221
Process_Description: Inserted updated data from DEAR in ArcSDE. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20120906
February 5, 2013: Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve {TWN52SR29E Sections 12 and 13}- East 50 feet of ROW (Janes Scenic Drive) was removed as it is not part of OFW. Streetmap shapefile was used as centerline and offset by 50 feet to the east to use as editing guide for east ROW boundary. This parcel was updated at the request of Janet Klemm.
Process_Date: 20130205
Process_Description: Inserted updated data from DEAR in ArcSDE. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20130212
Modified the boundaries of Crystal River (Special OFW) in Citrus County, FL at Janet Klemm's request by RH. Data layer submitted for SDE update on 20130317
Process_Date: 20130327
Inserted updated data obtained from DEAR in ArcSDE. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20130328
Updated field 'NOTES' in the attribute table for Crystal River "Other" OFW at Janet Klemm's request: "Section 24 of T18S, R16E in western Citrus County had no purchases related to the Crystal River State Preserve until after 8-8-94. Confirmed on 20130524 by Janet Klemm." No records were added and no geometries modified with this update.
Process_Date: 20130528
Edited Lake Rousseau State Recreation Area on 20130904 at the request of Janet Klemm. Used CUL030040320 parcel from State Lands SDE Layer to create this boundary. RH
Process_Date: 20130904
Wekiva River Buffers - Added on 20131113 by RH using Cadastral 2009, 1994 aerials, PLS 24K, FL Conservation Lands, State Lands, OFW and georeferenced image of CARL map as a guide. Confidence is medium.
Process_Date: 20131113
Homosassa River System - Edited on 20131205 by RH at the request of Janet Klemm. Extended boundary to the edge of WBID 1345F Run 47 in Sections 6 of TWN20S17E and Section 2 of TWN20SR16E.
Process_Date: 20131205
Process_Description: Updated the layer in SDE/DataMiner. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20131223
Milton to Whiting Field was added on 20140307 by Ronald Hughes with approval from Janet Klemm. Used State Land Records shapefile DM_ID 312970 Lease Number 004204 as spatial reference source and page 19 sections A and B of the Blackwater Heritage State Trail Management Plan from Division of Recreation and Parks.
Andrews Tract was added on 20140307 by RH with approval from J Klemm. Used Andrews Wildlife Management Area boundary from Florida Conservation Lands (FNAI Managed Areas) FDEP SDE Layer Library as spatial data source.
Ft. San Luis was added on 20140307 by RH with approval from J Klemm. Used State Lands Records FDEP SDE Layer shapefiles ADF74501364 (DM_ID 4052) and ADF45000078 (DM_ID 12218) as boundary source.
Submitted for SDE update on 20140310.
Process_Date: 20140310
Process_Description: Updated the layer in SDE/DataMiner. Metadata updated.
Process_Date: 20140311

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 209

Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
Standard_Parallel: 24.0
Standard_Parallel: 31.5
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -84.0
False_Easting: 400000.0
False_Northing: 0.0
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000000004429812072714868
Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000000004429812072714868
Horizontal_Datum_Name: D North American 1983 HARN
Ellipsoid_Name: GRS 1980
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.0
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222101

Entity_Type_Label: OFW_OTHER_MAR14
Entity_Type_Definition: OFW_OTHER_MAR14.DBF
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: FDEP
Attribute_Label: OBJECTID_1
Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Esri
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: OBJECTID
Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Shape
Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute_Label: TYPE
OFW Classification: "Aquatic Preserve", "Other" or "Special". There is one exception (within Lower Econlockhatchee) called "Other Clip".It is not being displayed via layer file at Janet Klemm's request because it is currently a conservation easement on privately owned land and not part of the OFW.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Unknown
Attribute_Label: NAME
Attribute_Definition: The name of the OFW project.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Unknown
Attribute_Label: ALT_NAME
Attribute_Definition: Alternative name of the OFW project
Attribute_Definition_Source: Unknown
Attribute_Label: RULE_ID
OFW Identification based upon the Florida Administrative Code (FAC) Rule 62-302.700 for Outstanding Florida Waters.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Unknown
Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute_Label: NOTES
Attribute_Definition: Notes related to the feature
Attribute_Definition_Source: Unknown
Attribute_Label: GIS_ID
Attribute_Definition: ID assigned by GIS staff for newer edits.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Unknown
Attribute_Label: DESCRIPT
Attribute_Definition: FGDL added field based on NAME
Attribute_Definition_Source: GeoPlan
Attribute_Label: FGDLAQDATE
Attribute_Definition: FGDL added field based on date downloaded from source
Attribute_Definition_Source: GeoPlan
Attribute_Label: AUTOID
Attribute_Definition: Unique ID added by GeoPlan
Attribute_Definition_Source: GeoPlan
Attribute_Label: Shape_Length
Attribute_Definition: Length of feature in internal units.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Esri
Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Shape_Area
Attribute_Definition: Area of feature in internal units squared.
Attribute_Definition_Source: Esri
Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
STANDARD COGO PROCEDURES used in creating original source information REVISED 5/1/95 1 NEW DRAWING 1.1 Start a new AutoCad/COGO drawing using the CGPROTO.DWG prototype drawing found in F:\GROUPS\PARKS\CGPARCEL 1.2 File the new drawing under the park ID number plus "CG" 1.2.1 Example: SOOOO1CG.dwg for Addison Blockhouse S.H.S. 1.2.2 All park drawings shall be filed in F:\GROUPS\PARKS\CGPARCEL 1.3 Attach, as an Xref, the USGS quad(s), if available. 1.3.1 All USGS quads may be found in F:\GROUPS\PARKS\QUADS 1.3.2 The USGS quads are for reference only and shall not be modified. 2 SOURCES FOR BOUNDARY DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Electronic survey file: Parcel deeds from 1991 to present may have an electronic survey file. Research should be done to locate any electronic files from Survey and. Mapping. The electronic survey files need to be verified per our deeds to be certain all out easements and out parcels are represented. Also, one survey may encompass several deeds and will need to be broken out deed per deed. 2.2 Deed descriptions : The parcel boundaries will be generated from the legal descriptions on the deeds. 2.3 USGS 1-24,000 electronic quads: Certain information on the electronic quads (section lines, water meander lines and roadways) may be used if and only if better information, such as bearing and distance calls and electronic survey information, is not available 2.4 USGS 1-24,000 paper quads: Hardcopies of USGS quadrangle maps compliment the electronic quads and provide a good visual reference. In addition, if the electronic quad is not available, section lines, water meander lines and roadways may be digitized from the paper quads as a last resort. 2.5 TRW/REDI tax maps: Tax maps are available for some counties and provide information on tax parcels, government lots and roadways. 2.6 Additional sources: 2.6.1 Government survey plats show government lot boundaries. 2.6.2 Water line surveys are available for some coastal water lines and river meander lines. 2.6.3 Base maps for the parks may help to clarify confusing boundaries but are to be used for visual reference only 3 OBTAINING SOURCE INFORMATION 3.1 Electronic quads : If the quad(s) you need is/are not on the QUAD directory, notify Kelley in writing requesting the specific quad(s) by quad number. 3.1.1 The quad number (s) for each park may be determined as follows: 1) find the general park location using THE FLORIDA STATE PARK SYSTEM map, 2) from the GMDNCC FLORIDA BASEMAP, select the USGS Quadrangle(s) corresponding to the paper quadrangle(s) in the COGO folder for that park, 3) each quad has a four (4) digit number followed by the letter "N", "W", or "E" associated with north, west and east zones, respectfully -- choose the zone which applies to all or most of the previously selected quad(s), 4) record the quad number (s) on parks COGO folder and COGO Boundary Development Sheet. 3.1.2 Record the request in your COGO notebook 3.2 Electronic survey: If you need an electronic survey file, notify Kayle in writing. Include the park name, county, Section, Township and Range, deed date, grantor and any other information you feel may be helpful. 3.2.1 Record the request in your COGO notebook. 3.3 TRW/REED tax maps: Copies of tax maps may be obtained by notifying Todd in writing. Include the county, Section, Township and Range with your request. 3.3.1 Record the request in your COGO notebook. 3.4 Deeds and official records: For deeds and other count records, notify Todd in writing. Include the county, O.R. book and page numbers and any other information you feel may be helpful. Make absolutely certain that the parcel boundaries cannot be completed without this information before you request it. 3.4.1 Record the request in your COGO notebook. 3.5 Additional information: Should you require any other resources such as government survey plats or water line surveys, notify Todd in writing. Include the park name, county, Section, Township and Range and any other information you feel may be helpful. 3.5.1 Record the request in your COGO notebook. 4 PARCEL BOUNDARY DEVELOPMENT For our purposes a parcel is defined as all that area, upland or submerged, as described by a single deed. 4.1 From electronic survey: If an electronic survey is used, the parcel boundary shall be WBLOCKed and INSERTed on the park drawing. For an insertion point, use the POINT OF BEGINNING as specified on the electronic survey. 4.2 From legal descriptions: Most parcel boundaries will be created from the legal deed descriptions. These descriptions may provide bearing and distance calls or refer to quadrangle sections, manmade or natural features, government lots, tax parcels, or a combination thereof. 4.2.1 Bearing and distance calls are the most accurate of all the deed information and shall be used whenever available, even for water lines, section lines and roadways. NOTE: If a bearing and a distance are provided but the description also refers to a specific location (section line, roadway, water line, etc.) and the location can be positively determined, follow the bearing to the specified location regardless of the distance. 4.2.2 When it is necessary to use information from an electronic quad, verify the entities needed for your parcel boundary then duplicate them on your drawing file. 4.2.3. If REDI tax maps are used, dimensions may be scaled but verify that the scale you are using is correct and that you can accurately locate the parcel boundaries on the electronic quad(s). Also, parcel information may be digitized as a last resort. 4.3. From other sources: Only as a last resort and in the absence of more accurate information, other sources may be used to complete parcel boundaries. However, the use of any sources not specified in this section requires Todd's approval. 4.3.1. Also, record your request and Todd's decision in your COGO notebook. 4.3.2. Todd will notify Kelley when other information is used. 5 DRAWING REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Parcel boundaries: The boundaries of each parcel shall meet the following requirements. 5.1.1 All parcel boundaries shall be on the B-PARCEL layer. 5.1.2. Individual parcel boundaries should close but do not need to be polylines. 5.1.3 All temporary lines used to create parcel boundaries should be removed. 5.1.4. Parcels should not overlap. Notify Todd if this occurs. 5.1.5. When two parcels touch along one or more sides, only one (1) dividing line is necessary. Double lines should be avoided. 5.2 Parcel numbers: Each parcel shall be given a nine (9) digit identification number (####-#####) as follows. 5.2.1 The first four (4) digits correspond to the Unit I.D. Number for the park being developed. 5.2.2 The last five (5) digits are used to sequentially number the parcels in chronological order according to deed date where "-00001" refers to the oldest deed. NOTE: If a parcel is added later, chose the next available number regardless of deed date and do not renumber the parcels. 5.2.3 Clearly label each parcel on the drawing with its complete parcel number. 5.2.4 All parcel number labels and associated leader lines shall be on the B-PARTXT layer. 5.2.5 Record each parcel number, grantor and deed date on the park's PARCEL IDENTIFICATION SHEET. 5.2.6 If a lease exists without a deed, use the lessor and lease date in place of the grantor and deed date and note it on the park's PARCEL IDENTIFICATION SHEET. 5.2.7 Example: "0001-00001" would represent the parcel described in the oldest deed for Addison Blockhouse S.H.S. 5.3 Out parcels: Out parcels are areas removed from a parcel according to the legal description and should have their own respective boundaries. 5.3.1 All out parcel boundaries shall be on the B-OUTL layer. 5.3.2 In addition to its own boundary, each out parcel shall have a parcel boundary on the B-PARCEL layer and a park boundary on the B-BNDL layer. 5.3.3 Clearly label all out parcels with the word "OUT". 5.3.4 All "OUT" labels and associated leader lines shall be on the B-OUTTXT layer/ 5.3.5 Out parcels will not be recorded on the PARCEL IDENTIFICATION SHEET. 5.4 Park boundary: After all the parcel boundaries have been completed, create a separate polyline boundary for the entire park. 5.4.1 If the park consists of several non-adjoining pieces, each piece should have its own separate polyline boundary. 5.4.2 All boundary lines shall be on the B-BNDL layer.

Distribution_Liability: See access and use constraints information.
Format_Name: SDE Feature Class
Transfer_Size: 33.885

Metadata_Date: 20140709
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) OTIS/GIS Section
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: MS 6520
Address: 2600 Blair Stone Rd
City: Tallahassee
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 32399-2400
Country: US
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: GIS.Librarian@dep.state.fl.us
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time

Generated by mp version 2.9.12 on Fri Sep 19 15:57:50 2014