Description: The Interstates feature class covers the state of Florida at a scale of 1:24,000 with a projection system of Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) 17 North zone and a horizontal datum of North American 1983 (NAD 1983). The map units are in meters.
Description: This GIS data set represents the 2015-2016 hunting areas administered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). These data are intended as a general reference map only.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: The habitat suitability estimates for wild turkey was derived from the arrangement of habitat variables in relation to adult wild turkey food and cover needs and wild turkey reproduction and recruitment needs. Given that habitat suitability model does not take into account the condition of the understory, the prediction accuracy may not be exact in all areas.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission: Division of Hunting and Game Management; Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Center for Spatial Analysis; Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Wildlife Research
Description: The values in this raster dataset represent the predicted abundance of wild turkeys per km. These estimates are derived from the adult turkeys observed during FWC’s wild turkey summer survey and the habitat suitability value where the turkeys were observed. The model results are estimates using best available information and the prediction accuracy may not be exact in all areas.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission: Division of Hunting and Game Management; Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Center for Spatial Analysis; Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Wildlife Research